What is contact dermatitis?
Contact dermatitis is a skin reaction to substances your body is sensitive to. It’s very common and affects almost everyone at some point in their lives.
There are two main types of contact dermatitis: ALLERGIC and IRRITANT. Irritant contact dermatitis develops to an irritating substance within a few minutes or hours after exposure. But it can also take days or weeks for skin symptoms to occur. The reaction involves the skin only and is not truly allergic. Sometimes the only symptom is reddened or dry skin without obvious itchiness and swelling. Or maybe you have the case of small pimples that can be mistaken for mild acne.
Allergic contact dermatitis is less common and is a true allergy to a substance. The reaction is often more severe with intense itching, redness, swelling, and hives. It typically takes up to 48 hours for symptoms to develop after exposure. The allergic reaction can happen right where you tried the product – most often on the face, lips, eyes, ears, and neck. Although, any part of your body can be under attack.
To avoid skin reaction:
Always read labels. Avoiding highly allergic preservatives will lower your risk of developing a reaction.
Do a simple patch test. Apply a small amount of a new product to a discreet patch of skin, like on the inside of your elbow. In the next 24 hours look for signs of redness and irritation.
Apply perfume on your clothes. We’ve all heard that perfume works much better if applied to "pulse points” or directly to the skin rather than clothes. However, there is a downside to such application – allergic reactions due to fragrance sensitivity.
Often, stopping the use of the product will clear away the rash. However, if the rash or other symptoms continue to develop or become worse, check with a specialist what allergy testing and treatment are available.